Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Why Are You a Girl Scout?

“Many people in my life asked me why Girl Scout?!
My answer was Girl Scouts helps you grow into a young beautiful lady. Girl Scouts helps you become someone who is strong, independent, and a self directed learner. Girl Scouts helps you make new friendships and build life skills. I believe life skills are very important in life because without them you will be indecisive and confused. Also in Girl Scouts I learned how to work with others even if you don't get along with them. That means being a positive and polite person no matter what the situation is. Last but not least learning how to be comfortable in your own skin. I learned how to be happy with myself. My mom always told me " Beauty isn't about looks, make up, or clothes, true beauty comes from being yourself, and the more you show who you really are, the prettier you will be". That to me means like yourself for you because self worth is important because without self worth how can you love others if you don't love yourself! These are the main key points I learned in Girl Scouts :)”

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